European Society of Toxicology In Vitro > News > Webinar + Guidance on gaining acceptance in next generation PBK modelling approaches for regulatory approaches – May 10, 2021
30 March 2021

Webinar + Guidance on gaining acceptance in next generation PBK modelling approaches for regulatory approaches – May 10, 2021

The OECD is increasingly exploring the use of alternative (non-animal) methods to aid the chemical risk assessment process. Recently, the OECD published a Guidance Document on the Characterisation, Validation And Reporting of Physiologically Based Kinetic (PBK) Models For Regulatory Purposes.

This guidance aims to increase the confidence in the use of PBK models parameterised with data derived from in vitro and in silico methods, and help address “unfamiliar” uncertainties associated with these methods. 

Join us to hear about the assessment framework for PBK models that was developed to evaluate the attributes and uncertainties of these models, including a dedicated discussion on sensitivity analysis. This webinar will present the scientific workflow for characterising and validating PBK models together with a template for documenting PBK models in a systematic manner and a checklist to support model evaluation.

If you are from the community of PBK model developers, or the proponent of a model in a regulatory submission, or a regulator who needs to assess the applicability of the models in chemical evaluations, this webinar is for you!

Magda Sachana (OECD Environment Directorate): Welcome & goals of webinar
Cecilia Tan (US Environmental Protection Agency): 1) Introduction to GD needs and goals difference with other GD and 2) Reporting template and checklist
Iain Gardner (Certara): Parametrisation in vitro in silico
Marina Evans (US Environmental Protection Agency): Sensitivity Analysis –Theory
George Loizou (UK Health and Safety Laboratory): Global Sensitivity Analysis –examples
Alicia Paini (JRC, Ispra): 1) Decision tree for data poor chemical – Read across approach and 2) Case Studies examples
Andrew Worth (JRC, Ispra): Evaluation FrameworkTime

May 10, 2021 01:20 PM in Paris

Starts at: 13:20 (Paris Time)
Ends at: 15:30 (Paris Time)


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