European Society of Toxicology In Vitro > Uncategorized > The European Society of Toxicology in Vitro ESTIV wishes to express its full solidarity with Ukraine
3 March 2022

The European Society of Toxicology in Vitro ESTIV wishes to express its full solidarity with Ukraine

We wish to express our solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues, the Ukrainian people and with everyone else caught up in the terrible events of the last few days. ESTIV condemns all hostile actions that lead to unnecessary human suffering and appeals to all parties involved to end the armed conflict and to engage in a constructive dialogue.

We encourage all our members to provide humanitarian help to our suffering friends from Ukraine and other nations touched by the crisis at the eastern borders of EU. Please consider sending donations to charitable organisations – every little help is important at this moment. 

Organisations, that are willing to accept students or researchers escaping from Ukraine, please post your offers also via Linked in with the hashtag #StandWithUkraine  and #ScienceForUkraine. The webpage displays opportunities for scientists forced to flee Ukraine to find help and for others to provide help. Another list of laboratories and institutes offering help can be found here:

Below is (definitely not a complete list) of organizations and charities who are in Ukraine or organizing assistance for Ukraine. Please consider supporting their efforts.

Some of Ukraine-based organizations

“Voices of Children” (help for traumatized children)

Ukrainian Red Cross  Donate to support the Ukrainian Red Cross to help civilians in this difficult time for Ukraine

Other / International organizations*


Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (German) (emergency aid for Ukrainians)

People in Need (Czech Republic) (Collecting for Ukrainian population and potential refugees).

Polish Humanitarian Action (Polska Akcja Humanitarna

Polish Center for International Aid: 

Polish-Ukrainian Foundation for Cooperation (U-Work): (A Polish based NGO which helps with integration of Ukrainian migrants. Preparing work on helping refugees)

Solidarni z Ukrainą (Solidarity with Ukraine) Polish crowd-funded site to assist NGOs helping Ukraine and Ukrainians: 

Polish Red Cross – Aid for Ukraine/Ukrainians

Slovenská Katolícka Charita (Slovak): (Collecting for Ukrainian population and potential refugees)

MAGNA (Slovak): (Collecting for Ukrainian population and potential refugees)

Clovek v ohrozeni (Slovak): (Collecting for Ukrainian population and potential refugees)

Humanitarian assistance to refugees in Ukraine, Moldovan Ministry of Finance


* List will be updated by us periodically. You are welcome to send us any suggestions that you may have for charitable organisations helping refugees, children and all the affected community.

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