SAAOP related events

European Society of Toxicology In Vitro > SAAOP Working group > SAAOP related events

This page highlights some of the past and upcoming meetings and workshops relevant to Adverse Outcome Pathways. It is not intended to represent an endorsement of any particular event, nor is it exhaustive.endorsement of any particular event, nor is it exhaustive.

Upcoming meetings and workshops:

Past meetings and workshops:

Adverse Outcome Pathways: Development and evaluation of quantitative AOPs and examples of their application
XVIth International Congress of Toxicology, Maastricht, Netherlands, September 18, 2022
More info here (CEC03)

The 1st AOP Community of Practice Symposium
Virtual Event Online, February 15, 17, and 22, 2022

  • View the agenda and presentation recordings here.
  • Visit the AOP-KB Forum to see highlights from breakout discussions.

Hands-On Seminar: Creating an Adverse Outcome Pathway in the AOP Wiki
SOT Annual Meeting, Tuesday, March 13, 2018
More info here.

High-Throughput Screening and Environmental Risk Assessment: State of the Science and Emerging Applications
SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting, 16-18 April, 2018, RTP, North Carolina

Effectopedia: building quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)
EUROTOX, 2 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Introduction to Adverse Outcome Pathways and the AOP Wiki

Sunday July 20, 2017

Pellston workshop: Advancing the Adverse Outcome Pathway Concept—An International Horizon Scanning Approach
Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, April 4-7, 2017

Hands-On Seminar: Creating an Adverse Outcome Pathway in the AOP Wiki

Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting

Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 14, 2017

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) AOP training series

Several events, Parma, Italy, 2015-2017

Upon request of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), in collaboration with the OECD AOP training subgroup, organizes a series of in-house events that introduces the AOP concept to EFSA staff and invited EFSA scientific experts/committee members. The courses aim to create awareness of the AOP framework, the principles and practices underlying AOP development and description, and provide the participants with the theory and hands-on skills that will facilitate use and application of AOPs.

AOP-Informed Predictive Modeling Approaches for Regulatory Toxicology

Ispra, Italy, September 24-25, 2015

Adverse Outcome Pathways: From Research to Regulation

Bethesda, Maryland, USA, September 3-5, 2014

Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathways for Integrated Toxicology and Regulatory Applications

Somma Lombardo, Italy, March 2-7, 2014

Silver Sponsor

Memorandum of Understanding