The purpose of SAAOP is to promote and advance scientific research that fosters the development and use of adverse outcome pathways (more info). The SAAOP (since 2025 together with ESTIV and ASCCT) maintains the AOP-Wiki under the guidance of the OECD Expert Advisory Group on Molecular Screening and Toxicogenomics (EAGMST).
Since January st, the SAAOP became special working greoup of ESTIV and ASCCT.
The ESTIV SAAOP representatives and contacts:
Dr. Dries Knapen
Dr. You Song
If you are interested in contributing AOP-related knowledge to the AOP-Knowledge Base (KB), please see the instructions laid out at the OECD Adverse Outcome Pathways, Molecular Screening and Toxicogenomics page (link below) The Guidance on Developing and Assessing AOPs document is the basis for all work related to contributing and sharing AOP-related knowledge. A Users’ Handbook Supplement to this Guidance has been written to aid systematic development and transparent assessment of AOPs. The Handbook contains a template to guide AOP description and provides focused and practical instructions for developers and assessors intended to assist in identifying, organizing, and evaluating critical information on key events and linkages within the AOP, as well as guidance on how to assess the weight of evidence supporting the overall AOP. For access to develop AOPs on the AOPWiki click the links below.