European Society of Toxicology In Vitro > News > Microphysiological Systems (MPS) World Summit: Towards Regulatory Acceptance – abstract deadline 21.10.2021
19 October 2021

Microphysiological Systems (MPS) World Summit: Towards Regulatory Acceptance – abstract deadline 21.10.2021

The MPS (Microphysiological Systems) World Summit will bring together a global audience, including institutions (government, health foundations, charities), the academic research community (universities, research institutes), environmental and human toxicity researchers, the pharmaceutical and other industries (cosmetics, chemical, and food industries), medical centers and practitioners, patient associations, and policy makers and testing centers—in a series of global conferences to create roadmap for MPS technologies. This will be a first step in establishing an international MPS society. 

Additionally, this series of international conferences (which include two virtual events in the lead-up to the hybrid event in June 2022) will facilitate stakeholder communication as well as networking among young scientists and MPS thought leaders, promoting international standardization and harmonization of MPS and serving as a global training environment.

The May 30th 2022 summit is a hybrid event, and will host up to 500 in-person participants and additional 500 online. The two preceding virtual meetings will be held on June 24, 2021 and December 9, 2021.

The 2o22 meeting will start on a Monday with two pre-meeting workshop sessions focused on hands-on training and education. The scientific sessions will include varying formats: workshop, roundtables, plenary sessions, and scientific symposia. In total we will have four keynotes, up to 24 parallel sessions, and three lunch sessions. Lunch and keynotes will be 60-minute sessions. 

Sponsorship packages are available for all sessions, as well as other specialized options. Please contact Camila Sgrignoli Januario for details.

If you want to learn more about how to build additional blocks, or if you are interested in helping with the project, head over to the GitHub repository.

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