Congratulations to the recipients of the ESTIV Best Poster Awards at the 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in
Maastricht, The Netherlands!
Three excellent poster presentations of early-career scientists have been selected by the WC11 ESTIV Awards committee taking into account scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentations.
The winners are:
The ESTIV best poster awardees are:
- Ms. Sabina Burlă, PhD-candidate – A 3D alveolar in vitro model for the prediction of chemical respiratory sensitisers and irritants
- Ms. Barbara Jožef, PhD – Nutritional requirements of fish cell lines – Development towards a serum-free culture medium
- Ms. Patrícia Zoio, PhD-candidate – Fully human skin-on-a-chip with a modular architecture and integrated sensors for drug screening and disease modelling

The ESTIV Best Poster Award at the 2021 JRC Summer School includes:
- A prize of 500€ per winner.
- An award certificate
- 2021 free ESTIV membership
- The announcement in ESTIV social media and ESTIV web
- Research highlighted in the special edition of the ASCCT-ESTIV webinars
- Interview with the scientists published in a web and social media accounts of ESTIV
Selection criteria:
- Scientific and technical quality of the poster and abstract
- Inovativness in the area of in vitro/in silico toxicology
- Priority will be given to applicants who did not receive a grant or award from ESTIV in the past 3 years