- ESTIV Best poster award
- ESTIV Best oral presentation award
- ATLA/Frame Best poster award
- ECOPA Award – Best young scientist contribution
- EPAA award
- Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation best poster award
- Toxicology in vitro/ELSEVIER best poster award
- AIVT best paper award
- EUROTOX best poster award
- JSAAE best poster award
- JSAAE best oral presentation award
- ESACT best poster award
- UB Award

ESTIV Best poster award
ESTIV will grant a 500€ best poster award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work per poster as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the ESTIV best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of the department.
- Abstract as the first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
November 1, 2022

ESTIV best oral presentation award.
ESTIV will grant a 500€ best oral presentation award to a scientist presenting her/his research work as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in ESTIV best oral presentation award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Abstract as the first author submitted for oral presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
November 1, 2022

ATLA Best Poster Award
On behalf of their ATLA journal (, FRAME will grant a 500 € best poster award to an early career researcher presenting their research work as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress; SAGE Publishing will also provide the award winner with a 1-year complimentary online subscription to the journal. Eligible candidates should have 5 years or fewer experience since receiving their highest qualification (Bachelors, Masters or PhD). The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence and the potential of the work to have a significant impact on the Three Rs, as judged by the awards panel. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the ATLA best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (, by 1 June 2022:
- Curriculum vitae
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of the department
- Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress
1st June 2022

ECOPA Award – Best young scientist contribution
ecopa, the European consensus-platform for alternatives
The board of ecopa will grant a 500€ best contribution (poster or oral presentation) to a young scientist (≤ 30 years old) presenting a work that is related to the 3Rs’ mission of ecopa and which is outstanding in the area of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), either as original research topic or dissemination of the principles. The selection will consider the originality and the effectiveness of the contribution as well as the commitment in promoting NAMs in the scientific environment. Eligibility criteria requires that the applicant is the first author, and he/she is participating in ESTIV 2022. There is no restriction on academic qualification.
Applicants are requested to submit their interests in participating in the ecopa award to best young scientist contribution by sending an email to (President of ecopa) and in cc to (vice President of ecopa). Please, clearly specify in the subject: ecopa Best young scientist contribution ESTIV 2022.
The email for the application should contain the following attachments:
- Curriculum vitae
- Abstract of the contribution (the applicant must be the first author)
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress
Deadline 1st September 2022

EPAA award
EPAA – The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA)
The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) will grant a 500€ award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation.
Eligibility criteria for both students and events are defined as follows.
1) Applicants have to be based (i.e. studying) in one of the 27 EU countries or the UK. Citizenship may be from any country (i.e. also outside of the EU).
2) Applicants must be graduated (BSc / First cycle completed with at least 180 ECTS credits) when applying and should not have a doctoral degree.
3) Applicants must still be considered as full-time students or young scientists (≤ 35 years old) when applying.
4) Young scientists employed by industry are not eligible
5) No funding or reimbursement by another entity for the same student and event is allowed.
Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced on this occasion. Applications falling out of this scope will not be accepted.
The application process is as follows.
- Applications must be sent to EPAA functional mailbox (grow‐ by 15 July 2022, 23:59 CET.
- The Award will be granted provided an abstract is accepted for an oral presentation. At the sole discretion of the Jury, in exceptional cases work presented in a poster format will be eligible, too. EPAA visibility must be guaranteed by including a clear acknowledgement of EPAA’s support in the presentation/poster.
The jury will base its selection on the following documents to be provided by the applicant
- abstract submitted for one of the selected events
- detailed CV of the applicant with a list of publications (if any)
- cover letter describing why the work described in the abstract is important for the 3Rs and why it should be supported by the EPAA grant
- recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor also confirming the applicant is a full-time student
- proof of acceptance to the event (i.e. invitation to the event or confirmation mail)
Enquiries should be directed to grow‐
EPAA recognition
The winner of the grant will give recognition to the EPAA in their presentation/poster. The winner must provide proof, clearly showing them giving recognition to EPAA (a photo or a video with an oral statement).
The winner of the grant also accepts that the EPAA may publish the abstracts of the presentation and/or the poster on its website (after the event), to promote and disseminate the research. Finally, the winner should provide a summary report of the event and how they benefitted from participation.
15 July, 2022, midnight CET

Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation best poster award
Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation.
The Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation will grant a 500€ best poster award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work per poster as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department.
- Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2022.

Toxicology in vitro/ELSEVIER best poster award.
Elsevier – Journal Toxicology In Vitro (TIV).
Elsevier/TIV will grant a 500€ best poster award to a scientist presenting her/his research work per poster as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. Eligible candidates should have received appropriate qualification, such as a master degree, allowing to commence a PhD, but not necessarily have started a PhD yet, and should have less than 8 years of research experience following receipt of that qualification, which could be without a PhD, in the middle of a PhD or a fairly recently finished a PhD. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the Elsevier/TIV best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department.
- Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2022.

AIVT best paper award.
Applied In Vitro Toxicology – Mary Ann Liebert Inc. (AIVT).
AIVT awards a best paper award of 750€ to a European author for the best original article or review paper published in 2021. The winner will be chosen from eligible papers by a committee comprised of AIVT and ESTIV. The winning article will be selected in autumn 2022. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV 2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
Authors must submit their manuscripts online at by December 2021 in order to facilitate timely peer review and an editorial decision.
1 September 2022.
EUROTOX best poster award.

Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX).
EUROTOX will grant a 500€ best poster award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work per poster as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the EUROTOX best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department.
- Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2021 – Awardee has been selected by the EUROTOX Commitee in 2021.

JSAAE best poster award.
Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE).
JSAAE will grant a 250€ best poster award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work per poster as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. All nationalities will be considered, yet preference will be given to Asian scientists. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the JSAAE best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department.
- Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2022.

JSAAE best oral presentation award.
Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE).
JSAAE will grant a 250€ best oral presentation award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work as first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. All nationalities will be considered, yet preference will be given to Asian scientists. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the JSAAE best oral presentation award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department.
- Abstract as first author submitted for oral presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2022.

ESACT best poster award.
The European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT).
ESACT will grant the best poster award to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting her/his research work per poster as the first author at the ESTIV2022 congress. The winner will be selected based on scientific excellence, innovation, and clarity of the poster presentation. The work has to be related to the use of animal cell technologies for in vitro toxicology applications. The award consists on:
- Registration fee for the ESACT2024 congress (
- Reimbursement of expenses to attend the ESACT2024 congress: expenses of travel or accommodation at fixed rates of 500€ (if the awardee is coming from an European country) or of 1000€ (if the awardee is coming from countries outside Europe).
- 2 years ESACT membership.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the ESACT best poster award by sending the following documents to ESTIV ( :
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Abstract as the first author submitted for poster presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
1 June 2022.

UB Award
Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona will grant a 500€ best contribution (poster or oral) to a young scientist (≤ 35 years old) presenting a work that is related to the 3Rs either as original research topic or dissemination of the principles. The selection will consider the originality and the effectiveness, scientific excellence, innovation and clarity of the contribution, as well as the commitment in promoting 3Rs in the scientific environment. Eligibility criteria requires that the applicant is the first author, and he/she is participating in ESTIV 2022. There is no restriction on academic qualification.
Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the ESTIV2022 congress, as the winner will be announced at this occasion.
ESTIV2022 attendees need to indicate their interest in the UB Award award by sending the following documents to ESTIV (
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Abstract as the first author submitted for oral presentation to the ESTIV2022 congress.
- Proof of registration for the ESTIV2022 congress.
November 1, 2022