Dear colleagues and delegates,
The long-awaited 21st International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2022) is happening in Barcelona-Sitges, Spain, from 21st to 25th November 2022. The 21st ESTIV congress had to be postponed from 2020 to 2022 due to public health concerns and limitations in international travels. The ESTIV Board also took into consideration the postponement of the World Congress on Alternatives from 2020 to 2021 when deciding to move the ESTIV congress to 2022.
The Organising and the Scientific Committees of ESTIV 2022 took very seriously all the organisational and programme commitments made before the postponement of the congress. To make the congress even more attractive and to reflect on the developing science, the Scientific Committee decided to implement for the first time parallel sessions, allowing for the inclusion of several emerging topics, such as the role of in vitro and in silico approaches in COVID-19 research, Organ-on-a-chip & Microphysiology systems and Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) research.
The ESTIV congress will start with a pre-congress workshop on bridging across methods in the biosciences (BeAMS): the opportunity of COVID-19 organised jointly with the JRC. The scientific programme offers currently 15 scientific sessions, lunch sessions hosted by ILSI/ESTIV and JSAASE and a post-congress workshop organised by EPISKIN Academy. The ASPIS annual cluster meeting will be a satellite activity open to the public and will present the latest research of the three H2020 consortia (ONTOX, PrecisionTOX and RISKHUNT3R) focusing on NAMs.
The ESTIV Board and the Scientific Committee are grateful to all Session chairs and abstract reviewers for their excellent evaluations of the submitted abstracts and for ensuring a very high quality and high standards of the scientific programme. The congress organisation would not be possible without our sponsors and supporters, to whom we express our sincere thanks.
The Congress Committees of the ESTIV 2022 warmly welcome you at the 21st ESTIV Congress in Barcelona-Sitges and look forward to see so many colleagues working in the area of in vitro and in silico toxicology finally reuniting!
Helena Kandarova and João Barroso

Dr Helena Kanďárová
ESTIV President and Chair of the Organising Committee of the ESTIV 2022 congress
CEM SAS, Slovak republic
Dr Joao Barroso
ESTIV Vice-President and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the ESTIV 2022 congress
JRC, Ispra Italy
Congress Secretariat
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