ESTIV Supports the Open Letter to the European Commission
The current EU Cosmetics Regulation prevents animal testing of cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials in animals, as well as it prevents introducing and marketing cosmetics tested in animals in the Europan market. EU commitment to the 3Rs and legislation introduced in this aspect is used as the gold standard around the world.
in3 Project – virtual meeting on December 14 and 15, 2020
The in3 project is funded by the EU’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN for short) that aims to drive the synergistic development and utilisation of in vitro and in silico tools for human chemical and nanomaterial (NM) safety assessment.
Advanced Non-animal Models in Biomedical Research
The European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) is happy to announce that it will be offering three travel grants of maximum € 500 each to three young scientists wanting to participate in the JRC Summer School 2021 on Non-animal Approaches in Science: The Three R…evolution, to be held from 18 to 21 May 2021 at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) site in Ispra (Italy)…..
ESTIV Congress 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and after thoughtful deliberation we have decided to postpone the congress to 2022 instead of the previously indicated dates in 2021. We kindly ask everyone to please save the new dates: 21-25 November 2022 .
The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing’s (EPAA) 2020 3Rs Science Prize is now open for submissions.