ESTIV travel grant for participation in the JRC Summer School on “Non-Animal Approaches in Science: Challenges and Future Directions – The winners were announced
European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV), congratulates to Julia Roosz, the recipient of the ESTIV travel grant.
ESTIV Applied training course will be organised on May 29 – June 2 in Bratislava, Slovakia
The training course will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from May 29 to June 3, 2023. It is open to toxicologists, risk assessors, and other professionals interested in expanding their knowledge of #invitro and #insilico toxicology. Led by experts in the field, the course will provide you with hands-on training and practical experience that you can apply to your work. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best in the field!
Call for papers into the special Issue of Toxicology in Vitro- ESTIV 2022: Key enabling non-animal technologies for research, education, and testing
All authors who submitted their abstract(s) to the ESTIV 2022 congress have now the possibility to submit their work into the
Special Issue of Toxicology in Vitro: ESTIV 2022
JRC Summer School 2023
The 4th edition of the JRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Sciences is already booked for May 2023. This edition is entitled Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science: Towards Sustainable Innovation.
ESTIV and EUSAAT signed a Memorandum of Understanding
The European Society of Toxicology in Vitro (ESTIV) and the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing EUSAAT signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the EUSAAT 2022 congress in Linz….
Late breaking poster abstracts submission for the ESTIV 2022 Congress – Deadline September 30, 2022
(November 21-25, 2022) has been prolonged by September 30!
Using NAMs in Risk Assessment: September 2022
Please join us Friday, September 30 at 10:00-11:30am EDT (14: 00-15:30 CEST) for our next joint ASCCT-ESTIV webinar: Using NAMs in Risk Assessment, featuring Katie Paul-Friedman, PhD, US EPA, and George E. N. Kass, PhD, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
ESTIV President, Dr. Helena Kandarova is the recipient of the 2022 EUROTOX Award Lecture
ESTIV President, Dr. Helena Kandarova is the recipient of the 2022 EUROTOX Award Lecture!
ESTIV Best Poster Award at ICT 2022/EUROTOX 2022
Congratulations to Mr. Devon Barnes, Ph.D. candidate in the Experimental Pharmacology group at the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences who is the recipient of the European Society of Toxicology in Vitro Best Poster Award at the ICT 2022 / EUROTOX 2022 Congress!